Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae <p>Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae on Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian monitieteinen julkaisusarja. Sarjan ensimmäinen numero näki päivänvalon marraskuussa 2022. Jatkossa lehti ilmestyy avoimena verkkojulkaisuna kaksi kertaa vuodessa.</p> <p>Julkaisu edistää tieteidenvälistä vuoropuhelua ja välittää tietoa ajankohtaisista tieteellisistä kysymyksistä ja uusista haasteista. Sarja suuntautuu laajalle yleisölle: Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian jäsenistön, heidän ulkomaisten kollegoidensa ja eri alojen tutkijoiden ohella kohderyhmänä ovat kaikki tieteestä ja tutkimuksesta kiinnostuneet.</p> <p>Annales on vertaisarvoitu, monitieteinen ja monikielinen. Sarja valottaa tieteen ja sen tekemisen luonnetta maailman ymmärtämisessä.<br /><br /></p> <p>ISSN-tunnukset:<br />ISSN 2953-9048 (print)<br />ISSN 2954-1050 (online)</p> fi-FI (Anna Chydenius) (Anna Chydenius) ti, 11 kesä 2024 09:19:12 +0300 OJS 60 Essentializing Ethnicity: <p>This article introduces an ongoing project that examines a key aspect of the transition from war to uneasy peace in the aftermath of WWII in Europe: the ethno-national categorizations of the expellees forcibly transported across inter-state borders as national minorities. It argues that the level of ethno-national homogeneity between incoming expellees and more established population groups in the ‘postwar moment’ has been exaggerated. In fact, this period witnessed a complex process of redefining and renegotiating the bounds of the postwar national community in which ethno-national categories were contested and whose consequences were far-ranging, both immediately and in the longer term.</p> Pertti Ahonen Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Sosiaalinen neurotiede nyt <p>Humans are inherently social animals and need the company of others for their well-being. Accumulating evidence suggests that our cognitive system as well as the associated neural networks include domain specific mechanisms specialized for processing information from other people. This information is necessary for efficient and smooth social interaction. This article first describes findings from two main areas of social neuroscience research: processing of visual information from other people’s faces and bodies, and processing of (non-visible) information about other people's minds. After this, the article focuses on the big challenges the researchers on the field are facing: how to move on from the typical laboratory experiments in which participants are often mere spectators looking at pictures of other people. How to design studies which are genuinely social?</p> Jari Hietanen Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Multimediaalisuus ikkunana työelämän digitalisaatioon <p>Digitalization has had a profound effect on work practices. However, digital practices have not replaced older practices such as paper documents and face-to-face interactions. Rather, interaction in the workplace is multimedial: different forms of communication are intertwined with each other. In this article, drawing form interaction studies, I describe the effects of multimediality for workplace practices in two ways: how multimediality explains the often unconventional ways digital tools are used in workplaces, and how complex, longitudinal workplace processes are organized through multimedial practices. In the concluding section, I also discuss multimedial competences needed in the 21<sup>st</sup> century workplace.</p> Esa Lehtinen Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Språk, land och kommunikativa mönster <p>Swedish is spoken both in Sweden and Finland, and Finland is a bilingual country with Swedish as a national language alongside Finnish. This makes it possible to explore the same language in two different societies, and two different languages in the same society. However, few comparative studies have been conducted with parallel datasets in both national languages of Finland. The project Communicative patterns in two languages in Finland therefore compares Finnish and Finland Swedish internally and to Sweden Swedish in similar institutional settings. In this article I present the research area of the project by discussing results from two previous pilot studies.</p> Camilla Wide Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Osuuskuntien sääntely ja osuuskuntaperiaatteet <p>The purpose of this article is to assess how the Finnish Cooperatives Act should be devel-oped so that it would better reflect the Cooperative Principles laid down by the Internation-al Cooperative Alliance. There is much evidence showing that cooperatives are important (socio)economic actors, hence, cooperative identity needs to be preserved through legisla-tion. It is, for example, argued that the principles of one member one vote and concern for the community should be enhanced through legislation. Furthermore, equity-based financ-ing instruments that promote investor interests should not be developed further. Instead, attention should be paid to such financing methods that are better aligned with the Coop-erative Principles.</p> Ville Pönkä Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Learning From the Global Experience in Conflict Prevention <p><em>This article identifies some of the central blind spots in the Western understanding of conflict prevention. On the one hand, this is achieved by referencing research that contrasts elements of Western conflict prevention approaches with more successful non-Western methods. On the other hand, the article summarizes research indicating which framings and social realities predict conflict onset and escalation, exposing intellectual approaches that are detrimental to conflict prevention. Throughout this exploration, the article also unveils my personal intellectual history and development in the field of peace studies.</em></p> Timo Kivimäki Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Päätoimittajilta <p>AASF jatkaa monitieteisellä linjalla jo kolmatta vuotta. Kirjoittajat ovat nopeasti omaksuneet ajatuksen kertoa omasta työstään monialaiselle, oppineelle yleisölle, ja mielestämme he ovat onnistuneet tehtävässä erinomaisesti. Käsikirjoitusten arvioijat ovat myös tukeneet tätä näkökulmaa, ja yhteistyön ansiosta tekstit avautuvat tieteeseen perehtyneelle lukijakunnalle alasta riippumatta.</p> Anna Mauranen, Risto Nieminen Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Philip W. Anderson: monipuolinen ja poikkeuksellinen tiedemies <p>Philip Warren Anderson, PWA, oli 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskon suurimpia teoreettisia fyysikkoja. Hän kuoli 29.3.2020 96 vuoden ikäisenä. Tässä kirjoituksessa tyydymme lyhyesti kuvaamaan hänen tärkeimpiä saavutuksiaan sekä muita, kenties vähemmän tunnettuja kontribuutioita hänen ydinalueensa ulkopuolella.</p> Risto Nieminen, Pedro Echenique Copyright (c) 2024 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae ti, 11 kesä 2024 00:00:00 +0300