Sovereignty to be the goal of education?

Nykyaikaisen kasvatustieteen vaarasta kadottaa subjektinsa

  • Jürgen Matthies Jyväskylän yliopisto


In the first part of the article, the author deals with the question of the extent to which modern educational science has, by way of certain research orientations, changed into an utilitarian instrumentology. There is reason to suspect that an individual student is no longer perceived as a subject; instead, that student is treated as an object as a consequence subordinated to techno-economic interests, for instance.
The second part of the article is an attempt by the author to show, with the writings of Marcuse as the basis, the consequences of the materialistic conception of students and people in general in education systems and educational sciences. The article looks at the concept of single dimensionality in the light of a few examples. Finally, the author analyses Marcuse’s thought on pedagogy applying it to the present day reality.

Author Biography

Jürgen Matthies, Jyväskylän yliopisto

Magister Artium (M.A.), Jyväskylän yliopiston tuntiopettaja

Feb 15, 1989
How to Cite
Matthies, J. (1989). Sovereignty to be the goal of education? Nykyaikaisen kasvatustieteen vaarasta kadottaa subjektinsa. Aikuiskasvatus, 9(1), 19–23.