Vocational education as a science

  • Seppo Helakorpi Hämeenlinnan ammatillinen korkeakoulu


Although vocational education has traditions reaching far back into the past, its scientific base has not been examined to any great extent. Since it is in close contact with the working life and its organisations, it has not always been accepted as being part of the overall education system. Vocational education is multi-disciplinary by nature. If vocational educatior. is to be seen as part of educational science, it should, according to the author, be seen as an independent science, the other parallel sciences being adult education, educational science and special education.

Author Biography

Seppo Helakorpi, Hämeenlinnan ammatillinen korkeakoulu
johtaja; kasvatustieteen tohtori, Hämeenlinnn ammatillinen korkeakoulu
May 15, 1993
How to Cite
Helakorpi, S. (1993). Vocational education as a science. Aikuiskasvatus, 13(2), 113–118. https://doi.org/10.33336/aik.96876