International politics as an educational activity with the media, universities and various institutions as points of view
näkökulmina tiedotusvälineet, yliopistot ja eri instituutiot
ln international politics, the process of treatment and decision making connected to transnational issues contains features inherent to educational activity. By way of examples, the article examines two conferences (involving wide-ranging co-operation and consultation) and their resolutions. One is the Rio de Janeiro UN Conference on Environment and Development and the other the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights. Both consisted of a wide political process and political commitment. The article looks at the processes enabling these international conventions to be arrived at and at the immediate consequences on education and the media in market societies.
How to Cite
Groombridge, B. (1994). International politics as an educational activity with the media, universities and various institutions as points of view: näkökulmina tiedotusvälineet, yliopistot ja eri instituutiot. Aikuiskasvatus, 14(3), 178–186.