The move over to a teamwork organisation

  • Kirsi Koistinen Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
  • Eija Ylisuvanto Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus


The authors present three case descriptions of moving over to applying a teamwork organisation and draw the most generalizable conclusions with them as the basis. When teamwork is sought in a situation in which the workers themselves also begin to comprehend the inadequacy of work as individuals, it can also be assumed that teamwork is provided with grounds. The challenge of teamwork organisations, according to the authors, is in how the users might conceive a new leadership culture. Where is the line between teams and the management? It is essential that a common language, common tools, and common rules of the game be created between teams and the management.

Author Biographies

Kirsi Koistinen, Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskuksen johtava konsultti
Eija Ylisuvanto, Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskus
Valtionhallinnon kehittämiskeskuksen johtava konsultti
Dec 1, 1994
How to Cite
Koistinen, K., & Ylisuvanto, E. (1994). The move over to a teamwork organisation. Aikuiskasvatus, 14(4), 240–245.