Telematics and the networking learning environment

challenges to adult education

  • Seppo Tella Helsingin yliopisto


In this article, the term telematics refers to various computer-mediated human communication programs and tools, and especially to the data and communications technology necessary when accessing international communications networks, e-mail, and computer conferences. The article compares the networking and isolating learning environment, power and leadership, learning and teaching processes, and telematics as part of telelearning. The learner’s role undergoes a change in a telematics-utilising learning environment, because only active, self-guided activity can open up the possibilities of telematics to the potential user.

Author Biography

Seppo Tella, Helsingin yliopisto
vt. apulaisprofessori, Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos
Verkosto oppimisympäristönä
Dec 1, 1994
How to Cite
Tella, S. (1994). Telematics and the networking learning environment: challenges to adult education. Aikuiskasvatus, 14(4), 257–261.