New and noteworthy records of carrion-visiting Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae) of Poland
During inventory studies of Diptera and experiments on arthropod succession on decomposing pig carrion in Poland, we obtained several interesting Fanniidae species. Among the examined material, we identified Fannia collini d'Assis-Fonseca, Fannia hirticeps (Stein), Fannia nigra Malloch and Fannia ornata (Meigen), which are here reported as new for Poland. We also found Fannia pauliPont, Fannia speciosa (Villeneuve) and Fannia umbrosa (Stein), which have already been reported from Poland, but considered rare or not common in the area of their distribution. The geographic distribution of some fanniids may be considered doubtful because of contradictory information found in the available literature. Thus, based on the present records, we confirm the occurrence of Fannia aequilineata Ringdahl and Fannia latipalpis (Stein) in the Polish fauna.