Review: Insects - a World of Diversity
Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (Ed.) 1994: Insects- a World of Diversity. - C.S.I.R.O., Information Services, 314 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia. CDROM Version 1.0 and printed Teachers' Guide, 104 pp (A4 size, alternatively spiralbound 17.5 x 24.5 em). CD-ROM available for both Windows and Macintosh versions. System requirements: Windows: IBM-compatibel computer 386-33 or faster, super VGA video card and monitor; 4Mb of RAM, Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, Microsoft Windows compatible digital audio card and CD-ROM drive. Macintosh: Apple Macintosh computer, 13 inch colour monitor (or larger), 4Mb of RAM, CD-ROM drive and Quicktime 1.6 or later(providedonCD).Price: CD-ROM: AUD 109.-,CD-ROMandTeachers' GuideAUD 129.-.