Activity density, diversity and seasonal dynamics of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in <i>Bt</i>- (MON810) and in isogenic maize stands
To compare carabid assemblages from transgenic Bt- and isogenic maize in Hungary, we used pitfall traps in an experiment (30x30 m plots, arranged alternately in 6 replications), during the growing season of maize during 2001—2003. We captured altogether 44,103 individuals of 58 species. The most common species in our sampling were Calatlzus ambiguus, Doliclzus halensis, Harpalus distinguendus, H rufipes, Poecilus sericeus and Treclius quadristriatus. The same species dominated both in the Bt- and in the isogenic maize plots. Under our test conditions (plot size and 3 years of sampling), no significant differences were found either in the structural characteristics (number of individuals, number of species and diversity), activity density or seasonal activity patterns ofthe dominant species.