Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-12-13T08:58:18+02:00 Harri Jalonen Open Journal Systems <p>Hallinnon Tutkimus on neljästi vuodessa ilmestyvä tieteellinen aikakauslehti.</p> Työntekijöiden digitaalinen transformaatiovalmius teknologioiden hyväksymisen ja käytön teorian näkökulmasta 2024-04-04T14:45:07+03:00 Jarmo Pulkkinen Marjo Suhonen Jaana Leinonen <p><strong>Employee digital transformation readiness from the perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology</strong></p> <p>This study focuses on employee digital trans­formation readiness using a systems thinking approach and utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The context of our article is municipality zoning and construction supervision in mainland Finland. Our data contains answers to an online survey from 148 municipalities, representing 51% of the municipalities in mainland Finland. We analyzed the data using statistical methods and content analysis. Our findings show that the individual factors of employee digital transformation readiness are nationally at a good level and homogeneous. However, the organizational facilitating conditions we evaluated with the overall assessment of organizational support in digital transformation differ between municipalities. According to our results, employee digital transformation readiness is very context­-dependent.</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Kouluorganisaatioiden turvallisuuskulttuuri omatoimisen varautumisen arvioinnin perusteella 2024-05-21T08:30:32+03:00 Eila Lindfors Brita Somerkoski Arttu Korkeaniemi <p><strong>The safety culture of a school organization based on evaluation of self-preparedness – a multi-case study in comprehensive education schools</strong></p> <p>School safety is a legal right for every learner and staff. This study asks: what is the level of safety culture of comprehensive education schools from the perspective of self-preparedness and prevention measures? This multi-case study examines ten comprehensive education schools using document analysis. The data consists of ten self-preparedness evaluation reports that evaluate the safety of schools on a scale of weak – progressive and based on group discussions. The data is analysed from the perspective of safety management, risk management, safety-related documents, structural fire safety, security and safety communication and competence. The safety culture was mostly reactive in some schools and proactive measures were lacking. We conclude that comprehensive education schools need greater expertise and practical support in developing their safety culture.</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Diakoniatyöntekijöiden näkemyksiä diakoniatyön vaikuttavuudesta 2024-06-03T09:53:58+03:00 Kati Pajunen Juha Soininen Toni Mättö <p><strong>Diaconal workers’ views on the effectiveness of diaconal work</strong></p> <p>The purpose of this study is to establish how diaconal workers in Finnish Evangelical Lutheran parishes perceive the effectiveness of their work, and the factors that contribute to the perceived effectiveness. The data were collected through participant observation and a survey providing both quantitative and qualitative data. Effectiveness means that the goals of the activity are achieved. The core goal of diaconal work is to help people who are in the greatest need, but the survey results indicate that is not always achieved. The findings highlight the difficulties in addressing people's problems. The study suggests that prioritizing goals would better enable evaluation of effectiveness, while stronger links to the health care system would enable diaconal work to do more to promote mental health.</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Aseistettua vapaaehtoisuutta ja osallistuvaa sodankäyntiä 2024-09-16T19:05:58+03:00 Harri Raisio Alisa Puustinen Tomi Niemi <p><strong>Weaponized volunteering and participatory warfare: A scoping review of spontaneous volunteering in the context of national defense</strong></p> <p>This article explores the phenomenon of spontaneous volunteering within the context of national defense. A systematic scoping review of 38 research publications was conducted to analyze how such spontaneous volunteering is recognized in international literature, its manifestations, and the associated constraints. Although the scope of the study is global, the collected data prominently features Ukraine. Findings reveal that spontaneous volunteering often manifests as highly flexible, rapid, and innovative actions, which can fill gaps in formal systems. Key concepts such as participatory military logistics, distributed humanitarianism, participatory intelligence, and battlefront volunteering help delineate this field. Challenges include issues such as psychological, physical, and legal risks faced by volunteers, as well as potential misuse of spontaneous volunteering, such as the activities of pseudo-volunteers who exploit wartime conditions for personal gain.</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Vakavien vaaratapahtumien tutkinnat Suomessa 2024-06-24T12:17:49+03:00 Mari Liukka Merja Sahlström <p>-</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Kenen vastuu? Tilivelvollisuus kompleksisessa arvioinnissa 2024-10-20T10:00:29+03:00 Jari Autioniemi <p>-</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Permakriisit koettelevat hallintoa 2024-10-12T14:08:48+03:00 Harri Jalonen 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Markku Kiviniemi In Memoriam 2024-11-03T21:25:27+02:00 Petri Uusikylä Juhani Kivelä Sirpa Kekkonen Seppo Tiihonen Ari Salminen Pertti Ahonen Turo Virtanen Anneli Temmes Katju Holkeri Timo Moilanen Tuomas Parkkari Jan-Erik Johanson Petri Virtanen 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus Positiivinen johtaminen uusin silmin – kokemuksen tutkimus ymmärrystä lisäämässä 2024-08-22T15:11:33+03:00 Ilkka Salmi 2024-12-13T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus