Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus <p>Hallinnon Tutkimus on neljästi vuodessa ilmestyvä tieteellinen aikakauslehti.</p> Hallinnon Tutkimus Seura fi-FI Hallinnon Tutkimus 0359-6680 Hyvin suunniteltu on puoliksi toimeenpantu – tai sitten ei https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/142378 Harri Jalonen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 3–5 3–5 10.37450/ht.142378 Toimeenpanotutkimuksen klassikko seuraa aikaansa https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/141375 Pekka Kettunen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 86–87 86–87 10.37450/ht.141375 Understanding Gender (In)Equality in Leadership Positions in Sport https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/136252 Marjukka Mikkonen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 66–70 66–70 10.37450/ht.136252 Pelkoa, turhautumista ja innostusta https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/142657 Tomi Niemi Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 71–76 71–76 10.37450/ht.142657 Havaintoja ja arvioita suurlähetystön johtamisesta https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/142469 <p>Suurvaltakilpailun kiihtymisen mukanaan tuoma valtiokeskeisyyden paluu lisää Suomen ulkomaisen edustustoverkoston merkitystä. Edustustojen lisäarvo tulee Suomen turvallisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja maakuvan käytännöllisestä edistämisestä kansainvälisessä toimintaympäristössä. Edustustojen toiminnan suunnitteluun, johtamiseen ja pääkaupunkiohjaukseen ei tällä hetkellä ole käytössä tavoitteellista mallia. Katsauksessa hahmotellaan käytännön kokemusten perusteella selkeää johtamismallia, joka keskittyy edustuston strategisiin tavoitteisiin sekä toiminnan keinoihin ja edellytyksiin.&nbsp;</p> Mikko Hautala Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 77–85 77–85 10.37450/ht.142469 Palvelutarpeiden arvioinnin yhdenmukaisuus perhesosiaalityön ja lastensuojelun rajapinnoilla https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/124785 <p><strong>Consistency and variability in child welfare assessments at the juncture of family services and child welfare</strong></p> <p>The study examines assessments of children’s and families’ referrals to public social services and whether they differ between child welfare workers across the country. The focus is on how child welfare workers assess the referral as being an issue either for family or child welfare services and whether the assessments differ in any significant way. The data is drawn from 28 group interviews with 120 professionals based on a vignette, the nature of data being that of professional imagination. The findings highlight a shared approach to the vignette as child welfare workers orientate towards finding more information and testing it and meeting each family member in similar ways. They withdraw from any fixed interpretation of the case without any interaction with family members. It is argued that when prioritizing service-users’ equality and consistency of...</p> Jenni Repo Tarja Pösö Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 6–19 6–19 10.37450/ht.124785 Päätöksenteon areena https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/126951 <p><strong>Different rationalities of decision-making – a dualistic perspective on municipalities’ service network decisions</strong></p> <p>The article examines the decisions made by the municipalities' education sector in relation to the service network of basic education and early childhood education. The topic is examined with the help of decision-making theory at the interface between the preparation by municipal officials and the decisions made by local politicians. The research data consists of the municipalities’ service network plans and decision documents.</p> <p>The research findings show that municipalities look at service networks through local and national lenses. Municipalities make decisions about service network changes in the decision-making arena, which includes the preparatory work done by officials, which is typically based on a fact-based review. In addition to facts, local politicians’ point of view consists of different values and emotions.</p> Anni Kyösti Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 20–36 20–36 10.37450/ht.126951 Autonomiaa vai kontrollia? https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/125332 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Autonomy or control? </strong><strong>A case study in an organization striving to increase self-management</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">In many organizations increasing self-management is a new way of working. The case organization of this study is a Finnish financial services organization with about 100 employees. We use qualitative interview data to explore the commonalities and contradictions in the interpretations of employees and management in an organization that is in a process of adopting a more self-managed way of working. We also examine the implementation of the basic assumptions of Self-Determination Theory in today's organizational environment. We approach the issue from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that self-management in the target organization is initiated and controlled by management, which sets strict limits but allows only a certain amount of freedom. Our case study provides both theoretical and practical insights into the discussion of the process of increasing self-management.</p> Juha Kinnunen Anu Puusa Matti Kuittinen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 37–50 37–50 10.37450/ht.125332 Aktiivinen ikääntyminen kuntien vanhuspoliittisten ohjelmien retoriikassa https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/127218 <p><strong>Active ageing in the rhetoric of municipal strategies for older people</strong></p> <p>In this article we study how active ageing is manifested in the rhetoric of municipal strategies for older people. Active ageing has been seen as a political solution for the challenges of ageing, which makes it important to analyze it in the context of policy documents. We study these strategies by applying Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s new rhetoric. According to our results, active ageing can be seen as model ageing (Timonen 2016), and different features concerning activity are associated with ageing, while some features, such as fear of ageing and seeing older adults only as users of social and health services, are dissociated from ageing. The role of society is important in supporting active ageing with the help of age-friendly environment and services.</p> Hilla Kiuru Sanna Laulainen Heli Valokivi Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 43 1 51–65 51–65 10.37450/ht.127218