Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus <p>Hallinnon Tutkimus on neljästi vuodessa ilmestyvä tieteellinen aikakauslehti.</p> fi-FI harri.jalonen@uwasa.fi (Harri Jalonen) tomi.niemi@uwasa.fi (Tomi Niemi) ti, 13 elo 2024 10:38:11 +0300 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Kohti parempaa viranomaisten disinformaatiotilannetietoisuutta https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/131286 <p><strong>Towards Better Public Authorities’ Disinformation Situational Awareness </strong></p> <p>Maintaining situational awareness is crucial for public authorities, as many societal functions rely on their ability to form the appropriate decisions and solutions. In this article, we analyze how public authorities form and maintain disinformation situational awareness and the challenges that come with it. Our research is based on interviews with public authorities, which were analyzed using a theory-based content analysis. Our results suggest that public authorities possess disinformation situational awareness and understand the impact disinformation has on their official duties. In public authority organizations, disinformation is monitored regarding the use of resources, goals, operating methods, and decision-making processes. However, closer cooperation and coordination among Finnish authorities is essential to form shared situational awareness. This helps to better prepare for the risks of disinformation and anticipate its potential impact.</p> Silvia Sommarberg, Milla Alaraatikka, Teija Sederholm Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/131286 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Organisaatio Luhmannin autopoieettisen systeemiteorian mukaan tulkittuna https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/126989 <p><strong>Organization interpreted according to Luhmann’s autopoietic systems theory</strong></p> <p>The theory describes systems that reproduce their unity recursively through their own operations. This is autopoiesis. As social systems organizations consist solely of communication. A structural coupling allows the environment to affect the organization’s functioning. Openness of the organization is possible through its closure. Reproduction is based on the distinction the organization makes in relation to its environment. It does this by utilizing its own codes and decision-making programs. Coding is a prerequisite for information that affects events in organization. Organization’s decisions are events that link to past and future decisions. Coding is also a reduction of the complexity of the environment. Simultaneously the organization produces itself and maintains its autopoiesis. At the center of Luhmann’s theory is an organization that makes itself and adapts as part of its constantly changing environment. Often, this is an organization that copes with conflicting demands.</p> Esa Hyyryläinen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/126989 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Kainuun sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon kuntayhtymän ja kuntien hallinnon toimijoiden kokemuksia yhteistyöstä COVID-19-pandemian aikana integroiduissa sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/127101 <p><strong>Kainuu Social Welfare and Health Care Joint Authority’s and municipalities’ administration actors’ experiences of collaboration during COVID-19 pandemic in integrated social and health services</strong></p> <p>This qualitative descriptive study aimed to describe social and healthcare and municipalities’ administration actors’ experiences of collaboration during COVID-19 pandemic in integrated social and health services. A systems theory was applied as a theoretical framework. The data were collected in thematic interviews of eight actors in Kainuu between November 2021 and February 2022. The data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Seven main categories were formed: 1) experience of the history of collaboration, 2) roles and leadership in collaboration, 3) interactive collaboration, 4) effective collaborative process, 5) challenges of collaboration, 6) coherent and interactive communication and 7) structure of collaboration. Integrated social and health services are perceived as a resource of collaboration in a crisis because there are not many boundaries between organizations.</p> Minna Ylisirniö, Elina Laukka, Moona Huhtakangas, Suvi Kuha, Mira Hammarèn , Outi Kanste Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/127101 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ”Mihin rajaan saakka vapautta voi olla?” https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/136121 <p><strong>“Where are the limits of freedom?” – Paradoxes of multiple jobholding for the system of work ability promotion</strong></p> <p>Multiple jobholding (MJH) becomes more common as the complexity of societies increases. Previous research has focused mainly on the individual level study of causes and consequences of MJH. This study contributes to the literature applying the framework of paradoxes to analyse the challenges of MJH from the perspective of work ability management. Thematic interviews were conducted with 42 persons representing different stakeholders. Qualitative content analysis was used as a research method. The interviewed persons reported numerous challenges in MJH, mainly concerning the flow of information between different stakeholders. The identified paradoxes arise from the prevailing societal assumption of each employee having a single long-term full-time job. While the promotion of work ability is organised by individual employers, it poorly fits the diverse and complex situations of MJH.</p> Anu Järvensivu, Ritva Horppu, Hanna Keränen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/136121 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Aika siirtyä autoritäärisestä johtajuudesta kohti toiseutta arvostavaa johtajuutta https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/142625 Merja Sinkkonen, Annukka Tapani Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/142625 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Luen ja kirjoitan – siis ajattelen? https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/143972 Harri Jalonen Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/143972 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Kari Kuoppala in memoriam https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/145193 Esa Hyyryläinen, Seppo Hölttä, Jan-Erik Johanson, Timo Keski-Petäjä, Jussi Kivistö, Vuokko Kohtamäki, Johanna Liljeroos-Cork, Elias Pekkola, Ari Salminen, Jari Stenvall, Pirkko Vartiainen, Sirpa Virta Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/145193 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Hyvinvointia kaikille –politiikkaa etsimässä https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/143766 Susanna Rämä, Kirsi Ilola Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/143766 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Kriisien tuottamassa epävarmuudessa selviytyminen edellyttää informaatioresilienssiä tukevia toimia ja rakenteita https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/144470 Aino Rantamäki Copyright (c) 2024 Hallinnon Tutkimus https://journal.fi/hallinnontutkimus/article/view/144470 ti, 13 elo 2024 00:00:00 +0300