Kansalliskirjaston aineistojen jatkokäyttö tutkijakyselyssä
tutkimusaineisto [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p16752], ihmistieteet [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p3494], menetelmät [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p1913], avoimuus [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p10569], kansalliskirjastot [http://www.yso.fi/onto/yso/p11657], avoin tiede, avoin dataAbstrakti
This paper examines the practices of data preservation and data sharing among the customers of the National Library of Finland (NLF). The research is based on a survey, which was made to gather information for developing the research services of the NLF. The focus of the survey was on the users of digital material. Among many other questions, respondents were asked how they preserved their data during the research and what they did with their data after the research. The respondents were given an opportunity to comment on their willingness to share their data and to discuss the questions that affected their choices with their data. Mostly, the respondents preserved the data on their own personal use even though they were usually willing to share the data with others either from the beginning of the research or whenever there was a change for sharing. The results found in this survey indicated that the practices of data sharing among the customers of the NLF were quite similar to the practices found in studies concerning social sciences and humanities scholars internationally: only approximately 20 per cent of researchers deposited their material to a data repository after their research. Verbal answers and comments gave valuable information on the obstacles of data sharing, e.g. that the traditional methods of humanities studies produced data which was understandable only to the researchers themselves, or that the data was gathered from many different sources which were difficult to combine. The survey indicated that there is an obvious need to provide more concrete support for the researchers who are working with the digital data collected from the NLF services.

Copyright (c) 2021 Liisa Näpärä, Johanna Lilja

Tämä työ on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä-EiKaupallinen-JaaSamoin 4.0 Kansainvälinen Julkinen -lisenssillä.