Neuphilologische Mitteilungen <p><em><strong>Neuphilologische Mitteilungen</strong></em> is an open-acess e-journal published by the Modern Language Society of Helsinki. The double-blind refereed journal publishes linguistic and philological articles on English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.</p> en-US <p>The copyright holder of the articles published in <em>Neuphilologische Mitteilungen</em> is the publisher, the Modern Language Society in Helsinki.&nbsp;</p> (Carla Suhr) (Carla Suhr) Sat, 23 Dec 2023 11:36:46 +0200 OJS 60 Tyssens, Madeleine, ed., Le chansonnier français U, publié d’après le manuscrit Paris, BNF, fr. 20050, vol. 2. Marie-Geneviève Grossel Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Bryant, Doreen / Zepter, Alexandra L. 2022. Performative Zugänge zu Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Ein Lehr- und Praxisbuch <p> v</p> Michael Möbius Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Michael Beißwenger / Lothar Lemnitzer / Carolin Müller-Spitzer (Hgg.) 2022. Forschen in der Linguistik. Eine Methodeneinführung für das Germanistik-Studium Michael Szurawitzki Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 La nature du RESTER en finnois et en français Gaïdig Dubois Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Historical appraisal analysis Sirkku Inkeri Ruokkeinen Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Los pronombres personales en un habla gallega <p>This paper studies the use of personal pronouns in the Galician speech of the municipality of Castrelo do Val (Province of Ourense, Spain). The study begins with an introductory chapter in which the objectives of the research and the methods used in it are briefly discussed, as well as the dialectal characterization of the speech analyzed. Then, the tonic forms of the personal pronoun are analyzed, both nominative and non-nominative. The nominative forms used in the municipality studied are contextualized in the dialectal continuum formed by Galician and Portuguese. In addition, the contractions of <em>el</em>, <em>ela</em>, <em>eles</em> and <em>elas</em> with some prepositions and other elements are presented. The paper ends with some conclusions based on the data collected in the speech analyzed.</p> Aquilino Santiago Alonso Núñez Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Acerca de la evolución excepcional de un étimo latino en las variedades románicas: <p>El artículo trata sobre las diferencias entre las lenguas románicas en cuanto al origen morfosintáctico de la palabra derivada de <em>tempestās</em> (esp. <em>tempestad</em>). En las lenguas iberorrománicas, está basada en el <em>caso oblicuo</em> del latín, en conformidad con la evolución general de los sustantivos en las lenguas románicas, mientras que las demás lenguas y variedades románicas concuerdan en poseer una forma derivada del <em>caso nominativo</em>. El problema se estudió empíricamente, trabajando con diccionarios y corpus.</p> <p>Los resultados muestran una división entre las lenguas románicas actuales. En las iberorrománicas aparece una forma basada en el CO, y en las demás aparece únicamente una basada en el CN. Aquellas variedades que hoy solo tienen una forma basada en el CN también tenían una forma derivada del CO en la lengua medieval. Inversamente, el español también tenía la forma <em>tempesta</em> en la lengua medieval. Solo el portugués resulta no haberla tenido nunca. El corpus del latín incluye cinco ocurrencias del uso de <em>tempesta</em> con el significado ‘tempestad’. El sustantivo se comporta como uno de la primera declinación, pero no lo es, porque no aparece en los demás casos gramaticales; una forma de la lengua vulgar aparece en el registro escrito por un descuido. </p> <p> </p> Ilpo Kempas Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Raumgeographische Verteilung von Twitter-Hashtags im deutschen Sprachraum <p>This study examines the spatial distribution of hashtags in a corpus of German-language tweets by considering three kinds of user location information: exact location encoded as latitude-longitude coordinates, a „place“ attribute selected from a Twitter-maintained list of places, or a free-form entry in the user profile. Hashtags in tweets with exact locations are slightly more likely to show spatial concentration, compared to hashtags with place or user location information, which may reflect the use of mobile devices to publish tweets. While spatial autocorrelation analysis shows that most hashtags do not exhibit a strong spatial tendency, those that do are likely to be toponyms, appellatives, or proper nouns associated with specific places, as can be shown by mapping autocorrelation values. In addition, some hashtags that exhibit a spatial tendency describe localized geographical or meteorological phenomena.</p> Steven Coats Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Anonymes Bruchstück einer Ringlehre der Debrecener Handschrift R. 605 <p>Die Handschrift R. 605 der Bibliothek der Reformierten Großkirche in Debrecen (datiert 1469–1474 und früher) beinhaltet einen kurzen frühneuhochdeutschen Text mit dem Titel <em>Regule ad luctandum,</em> der in die Gattung Zweikampfschriften gehört. Der Text entspricht keiner anderen bekannten Quelle, aber die Fachsprache, die Mundart und selbst der technische Inhalt erinnern stark an das Ringkampfteil in Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. I.6.4º 2 (um 1470). Dieses der Forschung über das deutschsprachige mittelalterliche Fachschrifttum beinahe unbekannte Textfragment wird hier ediert, verbunden mit sprachlich-literarischen und inhaltlichen Bemerkungen.</p> Antti Ijäs Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Gsend easy unchillig us. <p style="font-weight: 400;">Der Ausdruck <em>easy</em>, eine Entlehnung aus dem Englischen, nimmt in den Dialekten der Deutschschweiz neue Funktionen ein (Dürscheid &amp; Spitzmüller 2006, Hofer 2001). Dieser Beitrag untersucht erstmalig eine einzigartige Funktion von <em>easy</em>, die in der Literatur bislang unberücksichtigt geblieben ist: <em>Easy</em> dient der syntaktischen Intensivierung, z.&nbsp;B. <em>Gsend easy unchillig us</em> ‘Sieht easy unchillig aus’. Im Beitrag werden v.&nbsp;a. Korpora des (konzeptionell) mündlichen Schweizerdeutschen (z.&nbsp;B. Swiss SMS Corpus, What’s Up, Switzerland, Jugendsprache Schweiz Korpus) u.&nbsp;a. auf das Vorkommen von <em>easy</em> analysiert. Die Vorkommen werden formal bzw. funktional klassifiziert und anhand von Beispielen erläutert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass <em>easy</em> als Intensivierer zwar produktiv ist (bezogen auf sein syntaktisches und Kollokationsverhalten), doch erweist sich die Verwendung als insgesamt niederfrequent. Der Aufsatz liefert damit einen Baustein zur Erforschung des Systems der syntaktischen Intensivierung im Schweizerdeutschen, einem bislang untererforschten Terrain.</p> Jeffrey Pheiff Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Network Diagrams as a Means of Comparing Spelling Systems <p>The purpose of the paper is to explore the possibilities of using network diagrams as a means of analysing spelling systems of early Middle English texts. The diagrams are available in <br>a recently constructed electronic tool based on the Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English (LAEME), which means that their applicability to actual analyses has not yet been properly assessed. The tool can visualise connections between letters and digraphs which are used interchangeably or the correspondences between two letters (digraphs) found in two different texts.</p> <p>The paper draws on a comparison of the texts in two selected manuscripts available in LAEME (Lambeth 487 and Trinity B.14.52). The study focuses mainly on the differences, similarities and connections between the individual spelling systems. The results show, which tasks are relatively easy to perform using the diagrams and what are the chief drawbacks of the proposed method.</p> Marie Vaňková Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 By Miranda, Mary Hamilton, Mrs Dickenson … Self-reference in Late Modern English private correspondence <p>This paper is set in the late Georgian period, when letter writing became a widespread social practice and letter-writing manuals established norms of propriety and elegance of style for addressing persons of all ranks. More specifically, it turns its attention to author-oriented address with a focus on the use of personal names in self-reference expressions, as these address the recipient of the letter at the same time as they describe the status of the writer. The aim is to explore their role as a means of socially-governed linguistic practice and as an index of politeness on the positive-negative continuum, as proposed for Early Modern English correspondence.</p> <p>The study is based on a set of private letters written by Mary Hamilton (1776–1814), a well-connected figure in royal, aristocratic and literary circles. The analysis traces intra-speaker variation in the use of self-reference in the main text and in the signature, and explores sociolinguistic factors (gender) as well as notions traditionally connected with pragmatic language use (distance, relative power). The research presented here will thus contribute to the growing body of literature that considers ego-documents as representations of the <em>self</em>, of particular interest in the fields of historical sociolinguistics and historical sociopragmatics.</p> Nuria Yáñez-Bouza Copyright (c) 2023 The Modern Language Society, Helsinki Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200