Vol. 14 (1991): The Saami Shaman Drum

					View Vol. 14 (1991): The Saami Shaman Drum

The current volume is based on articles presented at a symposium by the same name, arranged by the Donner Institute in 1984. The aim of the symposium was to gather a limited number of experts from different academic disciplines – such as archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, history, art, theology, musicology and the history of religions – to shed light on the Saami drum from as broad a perspective as possible. As a result of the meeting and this volume of articles on the theme, the Nordic research in the area was highly stimulated and brought to international attention.

The articles discuss several different issues relating to the Saami shaman drum: drum illustrations and individual drums as sources of information on Saami culture and religion, the role of the drum in Saami society, the significance of drum music in shamanic rituals to name a few. Comparisons with other Arctic peoples are ale presented.

Published: 1991-01-01