Are Learning, Language or Socia-Communicative Difficulties associated with Fitness for Military Service? – Young Men in the North project


  • Jan Silvala Oulun yliopisto
  • Anneli Yliherva Lasten psykiatria; Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala
  • Anja Taanila Väestöterveyden tutkimusyksikkö; Oulun yliopisto
  • Raija Korpelainen Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta, Väestöterveyden tutkimusyksikkö; Oulun yliopisto, Oulun Diakonissalaitoksen säätiö sr., Oulun Liikuntalääketieteellinen klinikka; Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala, Medical Research Center Oulu (MRC Oulu), Oulun yliopisto ja Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala
  • Tuula Hurtig Kliinisen lääketieteen tutkimusyksikkö, Psykiatria, Lasten psykiatria; Oulun yliopisto, Lastenpsykiatrian klinikka, Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala


Language disorder, Learning disorder, Social skills, Military service


Is self-reported language, social-communicative, and learning difficulties associated with military fitness class at military call-up? Successful communication requires adequate skills in understanding and producing speech, as well as practical skills in how to use language in different situations. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether language, social-communicative or learning difficulties predict fitness for service of young men at the military call-ups, and whether these problems associate with the exemption or postponement of the mandatory military service. The data was collected from 18-year-old men (n = 2614) who participated in mandatory military fitness call-ups in Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, and Lapland in autumn of 2014. Compared to those considered fit for service, young men who were either exempted or postponed from the service presented statistically significantly more difficulties in reading, speech understanding and social-communicative skills. However, men who were considered fit for service also reported language, social-communicative, and learning difficulties. Difficulties in reading, speech understanding, and social-communicative skills predict exemption and postponement from the military service. However, these difficulties are not itself an adequate reason for exemption in the Finnish military. Further studies need to be conducted on how these difficulties affect young men in ways that cause the exemption.




How to Cite

Silvala, J., Yliherva, A., Taanila, A., Korpelainen, R., & Hurtig, T. (2023). Are Learning, Language or Socia-Communicative Difficulties associated with Fitness for Military Service? – Young Men in the North project. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 60(4).