Tekniikan historia teknisten tieteiden näkökulmasta

esimerkkialana vesihuollon kehitys


  • Tapio S. Katko


The history of technology from the perspective of technical sciences: Development of water supply as an example

History and development of technology can be studied from different angles. This article is based on engineering sciences and community planning, but it contains also perspectives of the history of technology and futures studies. The article describes developments mainly on the water supply sector, but the same ideas are probably applicable for other fields of technological development. Studying, teaching, and understanding long term developments create foundations also for the understanding of future processes.



How to Cite

Katko, T. S. (2008). Tekniikan historia teknisten tieteiden näkökulmasta: esimerkkialana vesihuollon kehitys. Tekniikan Waiheita – The Finnish Quarterly for History of Technology, 26(4), 18–24. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/63903