Sociozoologic Chronicles: Pantanal Creatures’ Narrative Shift from ‘Demons’ to Adored ‘Pets’ Through Media’s Lens
Considering the media influence, this work studied the representation of animals in the media in the episode of fires in the Brazilian Pantanal biome in 2020. The study analyzed the content of 175 news articles published on the portals UOL and G1 to identify the social roles attributed to the species portrayed and to promote a reflection based on the theory of the Sociozoologic Scale and Critical Animal Studies. Our findings showed a representation of animals that reinforces their subordinate position in relation to humans, assuming the role of victims of the anthropic action. The press depicts nonhuman animals differently, depending on the social position in which they are established. However, there was also evidence of networks of relationships between human and nonhuman animals based on concepts of animal protection, highlighting relationship configurations that aim to preserve species.Downloads
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How to Cite
Baptistella, E., & Espin, R. (2024). Sociozoologic Chronicles: Pantanal Creatures’ Narrative Shift from ‘Demons’ to Adored ‘Pets’ Through Media’s Lens. The Global Journal of Animal Law, 12(1). Retrieved from