The Inescapable Harms of Animal Agriculture: How Might Sanctuaries Respond to Threats from Climate Disasters and Diseases


  • Stephanie Eccles Concordia University
  • Asanka Edirisinghe Centre for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP), Faculty of Law, University of Colombo


Farmed animal sanctuaries are upheld as refuges, spaces demarcated materially anddiscursively, where formerly farmed animals have the right to grow old, participate in multispeciescommunities and collaborate in larger political projects that imagine the freedom for all and resistanceagainst animal exploitation. Sanctuaries disengage and agitate against food production narratives ofhow these animals ought to live both spatially and relationally. However, the reach of the animalagriculture industry is creeping into sanctuary spaces through ever-increasing risks such as diseases(e.g., avian influenza), the climate crisis (e.g., fires and floods), and other disaster events, revealinginescapable harms that must be addressed.
This article considers the shared, albeit unevenly experienced vulnerability to disasters for farmedanimals, as well as what the inescapable harms imposed by animal agriculture mean for sanctuaries.We first identify human sovereignty as the source of intensifying crises and disasters that sanctuariesare forced to confront, as well as the overarching context that sanctuaries are operating within.Following that, we engage with biological and climate disasters as two main case studies, examininghow sanctuaries have responded to them, and what alternative actions sanctuaries could take. Finally,we consider how sanctuaries might take up the labor and responsibility of participating in broaderstruggles for institutional change beyond the sanctuary-gate, educating people about the relationshipsbetween the climate crisis, disease risk, and all scales of farmed animal production and the subsequentchallenges they pose to sanctuaries. Through a multispecies justice framework, we suggest that disasterevents represent key opportunities for sanctuaries to engage with the political project of ending animalproduction at all scales to ensure a safer future for humans and more-than-humans alike.


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How to Cite

Eccles, S., & Edirisinghe, A. (2024). The Inescapable Harms of Animal Agriculture: How Might Sanctuaries Respond to Threats from Climate Disasters and Diseases. The Global Journal of Animal Law, 12(1), 81–104. Retrieved from