Luottamus ja yhteistyö monikansallisessa rauhanturvaoperaatiossa


  • Jukka Leskinen
  • Risto Sinkko


Trust and co-operation in a multinational peacekeeping operation UN and NATO crisis management integration is usually carried out as multinational co-operation within the constantly changing structure of military troops. Unlike the traditional perspective of a military operation, the goal is to create multicultural understanding and co-operation, which are fundamental characteristics of any peacekeeping operation. Mutual agreement on the rules of the game at work and during leisure time and mutual trust within the multinational military community are essential prerequisites for a successful operation. The changed image of the battlefield and the time constraints of multinational operations lead to situations, where a military community has no time to create mutual trust by traditional means. Trust has to be created in a limited amount of time and with respect to a single operation. This phenomenon can be called swift trust. It can exist under certain preconditions in a situation where a military group has to be quickly put together from different elements, and where the combatants don’t know each other, or if they do, their professional roles are now new and different. The members of the organization have to have faith in the presumption that during the operation, different persons do their part professionally. When the operation is over the unit is broken up and its members return to their former units. Building a multinational military community within a peacekeeping operation is a difficult task compared to building a traditional military organization or even a joint weapons system. This results partly from the fact that military community development projects are usually poorly documented, and they are implemented spontaneously when the unit’s internal social situation is prone to crisis. Mutual agreement on the rules of the game at work and during leisure time in a multinational military community has to be built in a way that creates a trans national identity. The preconditions for swift trust have to be studied, and they have to be practised in the field. In the future, swift trust will be needed more and more often. Artikkelin teksti on suomeksi.

Kirjoittajien biografiat

Jukka Leskinen


Risto Sinkko

Yhteiskuntatieteiden maisteri, tutkimusjohtaja Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun Johtamisen laitoksen tohtoriohjelman opiskelija





Leskinen, J., & Sinkko, R. (2009). Luottamus ja yhteistyö monikansallisessa rauhanturvaoperaatiossa. Tiede ja ase, 66. Noudettu osoitteesta


