

  • Rauno Kuusisto
  • Tuija Kuusisto


tilannekuva, tilannetietoisuus, tilanneymmärrys, tiedon suodattimet, organisaatiodynamiikka, verkottuminen


APPROACHES ON SITUATION PICTURE This article is based on our research on several projects about situation picture, awareness and understanding as well as on presentations given in a situation picture seminar organized by the Finnish Society of Military Science on the 10th of May in 2007. We thank the speakers of the seminar: adjunct professor, ltcol Mika Hyytiäinen, ltcol Timo Härkönen, col Martti Lehto, ltcol Unto Usvasalo and doctor of technology, major Rainer Peltoniemi. Common operational picture can be defined as a single identical display of relevant information shared by more than one command. Moving on to the first part of the concept of situation awareness, is the word situation which is defined as the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings. Awareness means that someone has knowledge of something. Bringing this together, situation awareness means knowing how to act. Situation understanding means how to act in the future. To create situation understanding, information potential has to be filtered by userspecific profiles on a situation picture system. Theoretical background of this article is based on the theory of communicative action by Jürgen Habermas, Luhmann’s theory of society and Ansoff’s filters of information exploitation. In his theory, Habermas is constructing a communicative system consisting of structures, activities and information interacting in a social context on the basis of the sociological ideas of Talcott Parson. In a social system like situation picture system and people, the structural units, activities and information that connect the structural units to activities shall be viewed distinctly. Activity categories are strategic, operational and tactical activities and operating. These activities can be found from every structural level of an organization. Operating is a separate action or function or a simple set of those. Tactical activity is directing resources and organizing individual operating events as an interacting whole. Activity is operational when organizing and planning tactical wholes as one unity, i.e. a series of directing resource activities. Strategic activity is conducted when setting an overall objective for the organisation unit and determining the path to the objective or altering a chosen path. Artikkeli on suomen kielellä ja luettavissa painetussa julkaisussa Tiede ja ase 65 (hinta 20 €). Julkaisun voi tilata Tiedekirjasta sähköpostitse tiedekirja@tsv.fi tai verkkokaupasta www.tiedekirja.fi

Kirjoittajien biografiat

Rauno Kuusisto


Tuija Kuusisto

Dosentti, tekniikan tohtori Työskentelee Puolustusministeriössä tietohallintojohtajana.




Kuusisto, R., & Kuusisto, T. (2008). Tilannekuvasta. Tiede ja ase, 65. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/390


