Kokonaismaanpuolustus turvallisuusympäristön muutoksessa


  • Mika Kalliomaa


kokonaismaanpuolustus, yhteiskunnan elintärkeät toiminnot, turvallisuusympäristö


TOTAL NATIONAL DEFENCE IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Finland’s national defence is based on the idea of total defence. “Total defence” refers to all of the military and civil activities through which Finland’s sovereignty and living conditions and security of its citizens are safeguarded against any external threat. Securing the vital functions of society under all circumstances with a coordinated action between different sectors of society is the key object of total defence. Total defence encompasses the whole of society by offering a possibility to use the resources of different sectors of society to maintain security. The idea is to coordinate the measures of the public and private sector as well as voluntary activities by citizens in order to maintain functional society under all circumstances. The functions vital to society are: State leadership External capacity to act National military defence Internal security A well-functioning economy and society Income security of the population and its capacity to act The ability to tolerate a crisis The Government is responsible for ensuring that total defence can function in all situations. The Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy deals with important matters related to total defence. Each ministry, government body and agency is responsible for preparation and implementation of total defence in its own area of activities. The Ministry of Defence is responsible for overall coordination between different branches of government. The Security and Defence Committee, the Secretariat of which is situated in the Ministry of Defence, assists both the Ministry of Defence and the Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy in matters related to total defence. Artikkeli on suomen kielellä ja luettavissa painetussa julkaisussa Tiede ja ase 65 (hinta 20 €). Julkaisun voi tilata Tiedekirjasta sähköpostitse tiedekirja@tsv.fi tai verkkokaupasta www.tiedekirja.fi

Kirjoittajan esittely

Mika Kalliomaa





Kalliomaa, M. (2008). Kokonaismaanpuolustus turvallisuusympäristön muutoksessa. Tiede ja ase, 65. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/396


