Näkökulmia viranomaisyhteistyöstä


  • Vesa Valtonen


viranomaisyhteistyö, yhteistoiminta, yhteistyö, taktiikka


VIEWPOINTS ON EXECUTIVE ASSISTANCE Interagency cooperation is considered as a cost-effect solution for modern world complex security problems (Government Resolution 2006, 20). It has many forms and therefore solid general interagency cooperation studies are hard to find. They are more or less context and actor related inquiries and based often on customers needs. This article presents some of the key issues raised from an ongoing study about interagency cooperation. The issues are dealing with beliefs, definitions and environmental aspects of interagency cooperation. It’s believed that interagency cooperation in Finland is very functional and might be held as an example for countries all over the world. Yet there is no scientific evidence that Finnish interagency procedures are better than elsewhere. The comparison of the quality of cooperation is very difficult to measure. Most of it requires a definition of criteria in order to make it comparable. The primary question is: What is actually interagency cooperation? The definition and its appearances in a real world are variable. Between professional authorities interagency cooperation is based on legislation and agreements. But it is more than that. It involves also interest groups from private sector and voluntary actors. The limitations and definitions are mostly context and situation related and usually does not base on any general processes or theories. The environmental influences on interagency cooperation show so far that the aerial differences in action are important. The fact that aerial differences in conducting interagency cooperation in field level make it difficult to measure the efficiency of cooperation. It includes such fragmenting triggers as politics, economics etc. leading to rivalry of resources and power. The future anticipations indicate that interagency cooperation is an increasing trend. That requires stronger participation from the Finnish Defence Forces – not only in producing resources from the national defence point of view but also to involve in Joint planning towards comprehensive security of Finland. Artikkeli on suomen kielellä ja luettavissa painetussa julkaisussa Tiede ja ase 65 (hinta 20 €). Julkaisun voi tilata Tiedekirjasta sähköpostitse tiedekirja@tsv.fi tai verkkokaupasta www.tiedekirja.fi

Kirjoittajan esittely

Vesa Valtonen





Valtonen, V. (2008). Näkökulmia viranomaisyhteistyöstä. Tiede ja ase, 65. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/398


