Räjähtävää tyhjyyttä – sissisodankäynnin menetelmät ja käsitteet osana Suomen sotilaallista puolustusta toisen maailmansodan jälkeen


  • Marko Palokangas


sissisota, sissisodankäynti, sissitoiminta, kylmä sota, alueellinen puolustusjärjestelmä, kumouksellinen sodankäynti, sotataito, taktiikka


Finland was in peculiar position during the Cold War – between the power blocks of east and west. The political development taking place in Finland during the Cold War been analyzed in previous research extensively. Research concentrating on uneasy political pluralism provides only one insight in to the era. Military preparations offer a differing, but fascinating view on Finland’s attempt to balance between the grand alliances. Documents covering military preparations, especially defense planning, have, however, remained in the archives almost untouched since the classified archives have not been released until recently. Only then, it has become possible to form an overall image on the evolution of guerrilla tactics and related operational plans. The paper concentrates on preparations and means of guerrilla warfare in the context of development of territorial defence system. The papers seeks to analyse guerrilla warfare in a doctrinal context by examining following themes 1. The theory of guerrilla warfare and its use for national purposes in Finland. 2. The principles of guerrilla warfare as a part of Finland’s territorial defence system. The paper takes advantage of using documents preserved in the National Archives (Helsinki, FIN), the Archive Foundation of President Urho Kekkonen (Orimattila, FIN) and original manuals stored in the Library of the National Defence University (Helsinki, FIN). The full text is in Finnish. Artikkeli on suomenkielinen.

Kirjoittajan esittely

Marko Palokangas

Kirjoittaja opiskelee ye-upseerikurssilla ja valmistelee väitöstutkimusta Helsingin yliopistossa.





Palokangas, M. (2011). Räjähtävää tyhjyyttä – sissisodankäynnin menetelmät ja käsitteet osana Suomen sotilaallista puolustusta toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Tiede ja ase, 68. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/4150


