Turvallisuus – osa pedagogista johtamista
The article uncovers the Air Force master students’ writings of the developing theme of safety through pedagogical management as one component of a Grounded eory Method. e authors highlight the importance of the safety of the individual’s experience and their understanding of the social security agency workings. It emphasizes understanding the legitimacy and identity of the soldier activities, knowledge of the individual and the organization’s values and history, as well as commonly shared safety-promoting working methods. Safe operation requires the transfer of knowledge and experience to other people. Military organizations are working to ensure safety according to the mandate defined by society.Julkaistu
Rentola, H. (2017). Turvallisuus – osa pedagogista johtamista. Tiede ja ase, 74. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/60578