Henkilöstön suorituskyvyn mittaaminen turvallisuussektorilla


  • Ilkka Ikonen


This research focuses on the employee’s performance measurement systems in the Finnish Defense Forces, the Finnish Police Forces and the Finnish Border Guard. It identifies what performance measuring means in the Finnish security organizations, how it is measured, how it is reflecting on theory and how it should be improved according to theory and lessons learned from other security organisations. e main objective is to identify the theory behind employee’s performance systems used by the Finnish security organisations. e main research questions are: 1) What is individual performance? 2) How to measure individual performance? 3) What kind of individual performance measurement systems used by the Finnish security organisations? 4) What are the diferences in individual performance measurement systems used by the Finnish security organisations is research follows both a theoretical and empirical approach. e rst part outlines an overview of the literature concerning the organizational and individual measurement systems of performance. e second part presents the ndings of the empirical research based on organisational documents of qualified performance measuring systems. is study uses data source triangulation and follows a systematic review analysis. The performance measuring systems used by the Finnish security organisations are shaped by the basic idea of unifying the elements of measurement and leadership. All performance measurement systems are quite similar to each other. e most important variations exist between the di erent guidelines used by the organizations. e Police Forces were only one using two di erent scorecards for evaluating their o cers. e Defence Forces and the Border Guard were using the same scorecard for every o cer. e Defence Forces is not measuring its o cer’s leadership skills. e Police Forces is doing that for the leader level o cers and the Border Guard for all o cers who have subordinates.





Ikonen, I. (2017). Henkilöstön suorituskyvyn mittaaminen turvallisuussektorilla. Tiede ja ase, 74. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/60586


