Recent research on the aesthetics of knowledge in science and in religion


  • Arianna Borrelli Technische Universität Berlin
  • Alexandra Grieser Trinity College, Dublin


Aesthetics; Science; Philosophy of science; Neuroaesthetics; Religion; Religious studies


As an introduction to the case studies collected in the current special issue, this review article provides a brief, and by no means exhaustive, overview of research that proves to be relevant to the development of a concept of an aesthetics of knowledge in the academic study of religion and in science and technology studies. Finally, it briefly discusses recent work explicitly addressing the aesthetic entangle-ment of science and religion.

How to Cite

Borrelli, A., & Grieser, A. (2017). Recent research on the aesthetics of knowledge in science and in religion. Approaching Religion, 7(2), 4–21.