Decadence and occulture

Oscar Parviainen's art



This article contributes to the understanding of relations between occulture and Decadence in Finnish art at the turn of the twentieth century, focussing on occulture and Decadence in the works of the Finnish artist Oscar Parviainen (1880–1938). The aim is to understand what are the relations between Parviainen's art, the Decadent art movement and occulture, and what are the aspects and cultural phenomena of his time that share similar lines of thought as Parviainen? In which ways did Parviainen address questions of higher truths about human existence, and what kind of role did they play in his thinking?

How to Cite

Välimäki, M. (2021). Decadence and occulture: Oscar Parviainen’s art. Approaching Religion, 11(1), 98–116.