Museumsforskning – udvikling og udsyn

Erfaringer fra Dansk Center for Herregårdsforskning og Gammel Estrup Danmarks Herregårdsmuseum


  • Signe Boeskov


This article discusses heritage research through the case of the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, a collaboration between Gammel Estrup – The Manor Museum, Aarhus University, Aarhus School of Architecture and the National Museum of Denmark. The research centre was established in 2004 with the specific purpose of promoting research, education, documentation and interpretation on the cultural history and heritage of estates and country houses. The centre is introduced as a viable model to meet the challenges of doing research of small museum institutions. It was the initiator of the ENCOUNTER (European Network for Country House and Estate Research) and now holds the secretariat for this network as well as the secretariat of the Nordic Network for manorial history. Though challenges of language, terminology and not least different traditions and working methods are inevitable in cooperation between different institutions, even sectors, and across borders, the international cooperation has brought valuable new insights to all cooperating partners.





