Bringing Christmas Cheer: Carols to Nurture and Witness the Faith



Christmas, carol, concert, Mosaic Choir


Western European cultures may vary in their adherence to any form of Christianity, but the feast of Christmas has a special place in society in keeping an open ear, mind and heart. Concerts and carolling are common to Orthodox and non-Orthodox cultures alike, providing an annual opportunity to engage audiences in the Mystery of the Incarnation in a paraliturgical context. This paper will explore the benefits to singers and audiences, and the way that both may be nurtured through Christmas music. The Mosaic Choir, in London, UK, provides a central case study, a choir of Orthodox singers from many different backgrounds. Audiences, clergy and choir members, past and present, provide additional insights into one of the most rewarding musical times of year.

Conference Papers



How to Cite

Haig, Margaret. 2024. “Bringing Christmas Cheer: Carols to Nurture and Witness the Faith”. Journal of the International Society for Orthodox Music 8 (1):79-83.