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Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica is scientific journal which is published as a yearbook by the Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica.

Editors: Editor in chief PhD Henry Väre and editor Leena Helynranta
Office: Finnish Museum of Nautral History, Botany and Mycology Unit, PO Box 7, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: henry.vare@helsinki.fi

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that the work or any part of it has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and has been read and approved by all authors.

Submit your manuscript in English (British or American throughout). Linguistic usage should be correct. In the accompanying words, it has be mentioned whether the manuscript has been language checked. The journal will not provide linguistic checking.

Manuscripts should be sent electronically in the form of Word document to the editor in chief henry.vare@helsinki.fi. Figures, their captions, and tables on separate files. The pictures must be technically large enough so that they can be published in a sufficiently good quality in the online publication. If in doubt about the general format – consult a new issue of the journal.

Title: Never in capitals or boldface, not centered. The text of a manuscript should be typed without special style settings (unintended, no boldface, capitalization, multiple spaces or other unusual formatting). A blank line should be used to separate headings, sections and paragraphs from the text that follows.

Author: Always full first name (other initials, if any) and surname (Bruce S. Steen, not B. S. Steen).

Address / addresses: As complete as possible. The sequence: author’s name and address, must be fully repeated for each author.

Abstract should consist of only one paragraph of up to 300 words. It should be informative (summarising) rather than indicative (listing).

Headings of chapters (Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion and other main headings) are not numbered. Use italics for scientific names of species (e.g. Pinus sylvestris) and words that are originally not English (e.g. in vitro, et al.). Common English names are not needed unless there is a special reason.

Referring to literature in the text: Mihok et al. (1985) or (Mihok et al. 1985); Kurtén and Anderson (1980) or (Kurtén & Anderson 1980); (Kurtén & Anderson 1980, Mihok et al. 1985). When referring to more than one publication, arrange them using the following keys: 1. year of publication (ascending), 2. alphabetical order for the same year of publication.

References: Begin with the heading ‘References’; they must have the same format as the text (scientific names are not italicised). Abbreviate journal names in a standard form, or write them opened, but, either or.

Each reference must be separated from the next one with one blank line. Ordinary journal article: Väre, H. 2014: Johan Fredrik Wallenius – Demonstrator in Botany at old Åbo Akademi. — Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica / Memoranda Soc.Fauna Flora Fennica 90: 17–24. If an article is printed with Cyrillic letters, use translated (not transliterated!) title (within parentheses () if not translated in original publication): Korbut, V. V. 1989: Nest building of hooded crows. 1. Utilisation of different substrata. — Zool. Zh. 68: 88–95. (In Russian with English summary). Book: Kurtén, B. & Anderson, E. 1980: Pleistocene mammals of North America. — Columbia Univ. Press, New York. Chapter in a publication: Gerlach, S.A. 1978: Nematomorpha.—In: Illies, J. (ed.), Limnofauna Europaea. 2 ed.: 50–53; International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 3 ed. — Int. Trust Zool. Nomencl., London 1985; Finnish Meteorol. Inst. 1989: Climatological data 1988. — Meteorol. Yearb. Finland 88: 1–125. Article in press may be included in the references list, with the name of the journal and year followed by ‘(In press.)’. Material in preparation or unpublished cannot be included.

Tables should be made exclusively with the same word-processing program as the text. They must be referred to as ‘Table’, followed by a number.

Figures, drawings and photographs must be referred to as ‘Fig.’, followed by a number. Figures should be submitted as electronically as separate tiff, jpg or png (not embedded in the text!).

Procedure after acceptance

All manuscripts within the scope of the journal are reviewed by two reviewers. Authors will generally be notified of acceptance or rejection within two months. The author(s) should consider all suggestions proposed by the referees and the editor and make appropriate changes. Major changes presuppose a new review process. First or appointed author will receive a pdf for approval. Extensive alterations are not allowed at this stage.

The articles will be published as soon as all parties have accepted the draft. Supplements are published based on demand. Electronically published articles are maintained in the server of The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (https://www.tsv.fi/en)

The are no page charges. The journal will supply the author with a PDF-file of the article for personal use, no offprints are supplied.

The magazine is not published in print, no offprints are supplied. Memoranda Soc.Fauna Flora Fennica is an open access journal.