A review of Characeae (Charophyta) in Murmansk Region (Russia) with notes on a new record of Chara virgata
Five species of Characeae are known in Murmansk Region from five biogeographic provinces (Lps, Lt, Lim, Ks, Lv). One of them, Chara strigosa A.Braun, is included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. A new site for C. virgata Kütz. is described from a rich fen in the province of Lim. This is the second record of the species in the Region. The new site is situated about 100 km NW of the previous one in a lake near the White Sea coast. The status of this species in the Regional Red Data Book should be ’Vulnerable’.Tiedostolataukset
Blinova, I. V., & Koistinen, M. (2013). A review of Characeae (Charophyta) in Murmansk Region (Russia) with notes on a new record of Chara virgata. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 890. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/msff/article/view/40887