A phylogenetic checklist of Sorbus s.l. (Rosaceae) in Europe
A new checklist of Sorbus s.l. in Europe provides an updated classification of this group according to the latest phylogenetic studies. In order to achieve monophyly, five non-hybrid genera are accepted which represent separate evolutionary lineages (Aria, Chamaemespilus, Cormus, Sorbus s. str., Torminalis), with five hybridogenous genera described here (Borkhausenia = Aria × Sorbus × Torminalis, Hedlundia = Aria × Sorbus, Karpatiosorbus = Aria × Torminalis, Majovskya = Aria × Chamaemespilus, Normeyera = Aria × Chamaemespilus × Sorbus). The checklist includes 201 taxa accepted at the species level: 5 diploid species, 5 diploid hybrids, 186 apomictic species, and 5 apomictic hybrids. Numerous new binomial combinations are proposed to reflect the phylogenetic position of accepted taxa. The synonymy and nomenclature are revised, and lectotypes are designated for ten plant names. In addition, a new nothogeneric name, Sorbomeles, is proposed for hybrids between Sorbus and Micromeles.