About the Journal


NJSR is an international scholarly Open Access journal focusing on the various perspectives of built environment research. NJSR provides a great forum for all studies related to the built environment, including but not limited to: Cadastre and land management, Spatial information management, Urban and regional planning and development, Real estate management, as well as Construction economics and management. The journal is published by the Finnish Society of Built Environment Research and is free to both authors and readers. The journal is a scientific referee journal and every article goes through a double-blind peer-review by two reviewers. Each article is assigned an issue and volume, however, articles are available online as soon as accepted.

Focus and Scope

NJSR covers the wide and multidisciplinary field of built environment research. NJSR monitors innovations in theory, practice, tools, and analysis techniques, and legislation. Scientific research that imposes practical implications is most welcomed. Featured topics comprise the following:

Cadastre and Land Management
• New technologies
• Land policy and reform
• Multi-dimensional cadaster
• Land rights
• Land administration

Urban and Regional Planning and Development
• Urbanization and megacities
• Planning policies
• Climate change mitigation
• Disaster and environmental management
• Sustainable land use
• Urban infill and redevelopment
• Urban and regional economics

Real Estate Management
• Asset, property and facility management
• Corporate real estate management
• Housing research
• Market research, analysis and forecasting
• Real estate valuation and appraisal
• Real estate investment and finance
• Sustainable buildings and workplaces

Spatial Information Management (SIM)
• Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) at local, regional, national and global level
• 2D/3D/4D geospatial models, algorithms, visualization, standards and application
• Web and mobile GIS applications
• Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)

Construction Economics and Management
• Project procurement and tendering
• Project management
• Lifecycle Costing (LCC)
• Building Information Modeling (BIM)
• Sustainable construction and development
• Innovative and cost-effective building technologies

The above list is a compilation of contemporary topics within the field, and non-exhaustive. Other topics within the field of built environment are most welcomed. Please also note that, NJSR publishes Special Issues. For suggestions of Special Issues from e.g. conference proceedings contact the editor at: riikka.kyro[at]lth.lu.se

Ethical guidelines

NJSR is committed to ethical publication practice, as detailed below:

  • NJSR only publishes original research, that has not been published elsewhere. While it is accepted to expand on previous research (such as conference papers) with new data, or utilize the same data set for different analysis purposes, the previously published work should always be correctly referenced. Moreover, directly copying text from previously published work (self-plagiarism) is not allowed.
  • Research submitted for review in NJSR should not be simultaneously considered for publication in another publication outlet. The author(s) should wait for a decision before submitting their work elsewhere.
  • All researchers that have contributed to the research should be listed as authors. Other people who have supported the work but not directly contributed to research, should be listed in the Acknowledgements section.
  • The author(s) should always inform and ask for permission if they wish to name organizations or people in their case studies. NJSR may ask to see a written consent from the studied organizations or people, particularly if the research includes information that may be considered confidential or detrimental to the named party. If no such consent exists, the objects of study should be treated anonymously. NJSR encourages the use of inclusive language, i.e., “they” instead of “(s)he”, and “chair” instead of “chairman”.
  • All conflicts of interest, such as financial or personal interest, should be declared. All financial support to the research such be enclosed in the Acknowledgements section of the article. Any suspicion of a conflict of interest should be reported to the Editor, or, if the suspicion concerns the Editor, to the Publisher (The Finnish Society of Built Environment Research). An objective process to evaluate the potential conflict of interest will be conducted. All parties, including the accused party, will be contacted and allowed to respond to the allegations. The final decision will be made in collaboration with the Editor/Advisory Board and Publisher.
  • If an article is rejected, the author(s) may present a grievance to the Editor within 7 days of the notification of rejection. The Editor-in-chief in collaboration with the Advisory Board will consider the grievance and make a final decision.
  • NJSR will not tolerate inappropriate or threatening behavior towards the Editorial Board.
  • In case of verified ethical misconduct, NJSR reserves the right to retract acceptance and/or withdraw published work.

We invite you to submit articles through our Paper Submission System powered by OJS Open Journal systems. See Author guidelines below.


For your submission, please use Word (or OpenOffice) for drafting your manuscript. Our technical editor is responsible for the final formatting, however, we encourage all writers to adopt the following formatting:

  • Font: Times New Roman, size 11 pts. Paragraphs should be indented.
  • Width of text 12.6 cm; height of a page of text 20.3 cm (without page header). If you prepare for paper size A4, the left and top margins are 2.2 cm (the page header falls within the top margin).
  • Abstract, keywords, footnotes, figure and table captions, references in the reference list, the "Acknowledgement(s)", and page headers use Times New Roman 10 pts.
  • Numbering of sections and subsections: "2 Section", "2.1 Subsection". Section header bold, subsection header bold italic, sub-sub-section header italic. Size 11 points, normal line space between header and following text.
  • Captions are centered and italicized, text "Figure 1" in bold and italic. Figure captions below figure, table captions above table. Table content in smaller (10 pts) font.
  • References are blocks with 1.5 line space in between. Citation format is author (year) or (author, year), depending on context.
  • Write in correct, clear English, with well-formed, concise, sentences. Use word breaks (hyphens) to keep inter-word spaces suitable.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submitting Your paper for review, please check that it adheres to the following:

  • The text has had the authors' names removed. If an author is cited, "Author" and year are used in the reference list and in-text citations, instead of author's name, paper title, etc. Please also makes sure that the author's name has been removed from the document's Properties using the word processor's menu option for this.
  • The submission includes 2-5 suggestions for potential reviewers in the OJS section "Comments for the Editor". The suggested reviewers should hold expertise and preferably a doctorate in the field of study, and not be affiliated with the research in question.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined above in the Formatting section

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.