Housing Tenure in the Nordic Countries – A Comparison of Rights and Obligations


  • Lisa Bergsten KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Real Estate Planning and Land Law
  • Jenny Paulsson




The necessity of housing tenure and ‘variation’ in tenures for a well-functioning housing market is often emphasized. This paper examines and compares different forms of housing tenure in four Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The Bundle of Rights theory has been used as a theoretical framework to clarify the content of the chosen tenures. Generally, the results suggest that owner-occupied housing possesses the most extensive rights; tenures based on indirect ownership also include far-reaching rights in many regards, while rented housing is the most restricted. However, significant differences can be identified between the different countries within these categories.


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How to Cite

Bergsten, L., & Paulsson, J. (2024). Housing Tenure in the Nordic Countries – A Comparison of Rights and Obligations. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.30672/njsr.120719



Received 2022-08-01
Accepted 2023-12-08
Published 2024-02-09