Sotilasjohtaminen muuttuvassa maailmassa. Paradigmaattinen tarkastelu


  • Ilkka Puukka


Military leadership in the changing world The study focuses on the military leadership in the changing world. The aim of this article is to formulate professional profiles of higher and top military leaders. Answers are sought to the following questions. How to find our future military leaders at executive level, what kind of qualities and skills they are needed and what personality means in military leadership? The theme will be handled with the ideas of paradigm, professionalism and Weber’s concept of ideal type. A suitable instrument for investigating military culture is developed in the article applying Thomas Kahn’s concept of paradigm, which forms a base for creating battle paradigm concept introduced in this study. Ba"le paradigm means victory with military power. Military forces and defence administration are regarded as paradigmatic institutions. The functional paradigmatic menu typical for the military culture is formed of battle paradigm, administration paradigm and political paradigm. This menu is suitable to explain phenomena of the military activities. To explain individual behaviour, military profiles are developed in this study. The basic ideal profiles are the classic professional military leader, the political military leader and military manager. According to ba"le paradigm the actions of the classic military leader are aimed a"acking and destroying enemy, if necessary by all means. According to the crises-management paradigm it is not enough to win by military power but it must also win on political, diplomatical, economical and information fronts. Crises-management paradigm gives an opportunity to integrate political, military and administrative actors to reach mutual goals in the security politics. The study shows the need of reforming the classic battle paradigm in the changed and continuously changing operational environment. This new paradigm – crisesmanagement paradigm – is considered to form a substantial starting point of the development of future armed forces and military leaders. Crises-management paradigm requires political military leaders and military managers. The military leaders at executive level have to master activities of the classic professional military leader too. Personal characteristic and social intelligence are decisive factors for the military leaders at the higher level. Profiling the strategic military duties gives a possibility to reduce the risks of wrong recruiting. Artikkelin teksti on suomeksi.

Kirjoittajan esittely

Ilkka Puukka






Puukka, I. (2009). Sotilasjohtaminen muuttuvassa maailmassa. Paradigmaattinen tarkastelu. Tiede ja ase, 66. Noudettu osoitteesta


