Kohti kokonaisvaltaista kriisinhallintaa – Tarvitaanko uusia kompetensseja?


  • Ulla Anttila


kokonaisvaltainen kriisinhallinta, ydinkompetenssit, oppiminen


In this article, comprehensive crisis management is handled from a perspective of competences. Comprehensive crisis management may have been seen as a response to new conflicts which typically take place in the third world countries and failed states and in which there usually are non-state actors. In order to build sustainable peace, it is necessary to develop crisis management. Peace operations are nowadays multilateral and involvement of local people in the peace process is regarded as a key factor for sustainable peace. The conclusions of the article partially rely on two parts of empirical material which the writer has collected for her forth-coming academic dissertation. The first part consists of interviews of crisis management personnel having work experience in Kosovo. The second one is a Delphi panel process focusing on the future of crisis management. For reaching progress in crisis management, it is substantial to develop competences for it. Both individual and institutional learning is needed in crisis management. Well-functioning feedback systems are required for both individual and organizational learning. Communication skills and ability for life-long learning should be strengthened among the personnel working in crisis management. Individual competences in crisis management relate to both combat and contact skills although having engagement to both of them may be challenging individually and organizationally. For developing education and training, it is necessary to comprehend the competences required in crisis management. In the long run, soldiers’ education and training should be developed to better respond to these challenges. Traditionally soldiers’ education and training have evolved to respond to the challenges of national security. The security perspective relying either on human or national security has an impact on how the competences in crisis management are assessed. The full text is in Finnish. Artikkeli on suomenkielinen.

Kirjoittajan esittely

Ulla Anttila

Kirjoittaja on VTM ja sotatieteen tohtoriopiskelija Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun johtamisen ja sotilaspedagogiikan laitoksella.





Anttila, U. (2011). Kohti kokonaisvaltaista kriisinhallintaa – Tarvitaanko uusia kompetensseja?. Tiede ja ase, 68. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/4134


