Tutkivaa oppimista ja työotetta harjoittamassa - sotilasopettajan kokemuksia ja näkökulmia
sotilaspedagogiikka, tutkiva oppiminen, opettaminenAbstrakti
Warrant officer students working for the Finnish Air Force took part in the present research on research-based learning in the framework of a pedagogical leadership course at the Air Force Academy in 2013. The course was implemented using blended learning. The main focus was on the students sharing their experiences, their collective dialogue and cooperation towards a shared pre-understanding. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and a practitioner researcher. A teacher guides the students’ learning process and exploration showing a genuine interest in their findings. Learning is always connected to a real situation, and emphasis should be put on the student’s own role as an active learner. Students process new information by reflecting on and analysing it. At best, the research process inherent in research-based learning generates new understanding and knowledge. The goal of instruction is to link together thematic entities through the dialogue of theory and practice.Tiedostolataukset
Rentola, H. (2015). Tutkivaa oppimista ja työotetta harjoittamassa - sotilasopettajan kokemuksia ja näkökulmia. Tiede ja ase, 72(1). Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/ta/article/view/50147