Sosiaalisen median merkitys sotatieteellisessä kehyksessä


  • Aki-Mauri Huhtinen
  • Laura Halminen


States and authorities no longer have complete oversight over information, the Internet and the media. Information is rhizomatic by nature, characterized by ever-changing dialogue that starts up and breaks off both vertically and horizontally between individuals, and within and among communities, interest groups, institutions and organizations. Arriving at some kind of common understanding of the state of affairs calls for continuous interaction and dialogue between the mass media and social media, authorities, citizens and companies, as well as voluntary organizations.

The aim of this article is to describe the impact of the changing nature of information on security, and especially the veracity demanded by this type of information. A further focus is on the way in which the media handle and deliberately and intrinsically manipulate the information on which scientific research and the security authorities, among others, are increasingly dependent. The speed and the rhizomatic nature of social media in particular gives it a distinct advantage over the pace at which scientific research produces knowledge, or the way in which the authorities operate. Key actors together with the authorities are journalists, whose job descriptions are undergoing the same kind of changes as those of researchers and the authorities themselves. Hence, speed and the correct situational awareness are becoming increasingly decisive for scientific research and for the security operations carried out by the authorities.





Huhtinen, A.-M., & Halminen, L. (2017). Sosiaalisen median merkitys sotatieteellisessä kehyksessä. Tiede ja ase, 74. Noudettu osoitteesta


