Uskosta luottamukseen, vanhurskaudesta syyttömyydeksi Uusi testamentti 2020:n teologisesti merkittäviä käännösratkaisuja
Uusi testamentti 2020, raamatunkäännös, käännöstyö, kääntäminen, Raamattu, Uusi testamenttiAbstrakti
From Righteousness to Innocence: Theologically Loaded Renderings in the 2020 Finnish translation of the New Testament — This article examines how the 2020 Finnish translation of the New Testament (UT2020) renders theologically loaded terms such as dikaiosynē, charis, pistis and their cognates. Analysing the translated terms offers an opportunity to consider the meaning of these Greek words in their various contexts. In addition, this article analyses cases in which the translation’s preference for simplicity has resulted in renderings that seem to distort the intended meaning of the source text. The article thus highlights questions that arise in the process of translating the New Testament into Finnish.