Tietämyksenhallinnan avulla ennustamisesta aktiiviseen ennakointiin


  • Kari Lappalainen Doctoral student at University of Vaasa(Administrative Sciences)
  • Petri Kivinen Siun Sote, Pohjois-Karjala


Knowledge management is moving towards the review of the implementation of forecasting and proactive foresight. Organizations ability to manage constant changes is based on existing knowledge of the operating environment, versatile evaluation of the future and the wide scale communication. Openess and transparency have become the success factors for competitiveness. From the citizens point of view, it comes to clarity and comprehensibility.

 Evaluation of the equality of citizens and service cost-effectiveness requiring nationally and even internationally standardized data structures and derived key performance indicators. New and innovative methods in knowledge management are key to recognize and understand the changing circumstances. The importance of diverse cost calculation can not be overstated, when service providers are making the objective assessement of needed resourcesto be able to achieve the desired quality and effectiveness outcomes. The transition to the integrated networks increases the challenges. The cornerstones of value creation are a shared vision and related knowledge management.


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How to Cite

Lappalainen, K., & Kivinen, P. (2017). Tietämyksenhallinnan avulla ennustamisesta aktiiviseen ennakointiin. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 9(1), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.23996/fjhw.60864