eHealth osaamisvaateet terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulukoulutuksessa


  • Pirkko Kouri Savonia ammattikorkeakoulu
  • Jukka Seppänen Savonia ammattikorkeakoulu


The health care service chain of the citizen can be coordinated with the help of technology. Furthermore, the technology enables the cross-border care. The Finnish national archiving system supports citizen’s own initiative and decision-making. Nurse learns basic eHealth skills and knowledges during her/his studies. However, the while working the nurse needs to update technology- know-how continuously. New technology bring new demands for nurse competences like information technology skills, diversified interpersonal skills, online-based communication and interaction skills. Today the nurse expertise is challenges more towards self-care of smart patients. The new roles of the nurse are mentoring, coaching and companionship with the patient. According to the recent Nurse barometer related to working conditions, only 30 percent of the nurses use their justified benefit, five-day’s continuing training. The article describes nurse education and training from novice to expert, and the challenges nurses face.


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How to Cite

Kouri, P., & Seppänen, J. (2017). eHealth osaamisvaateet terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulukoulutuksessa. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 9(1), 46–50.