Kognitiivisten palvelujen ja kognitiivisten prosessien kohdentaminen


  • Virpi Hotti School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio
  • Henna Lauronen School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio


algorithms, ability, cognitive function


The cognitive era increases the people's brain condition, in other words cognitive ability with the cognitive services and applications. The developing of the cognitive services belongs to the cognitive computing where an attempt is to mimic brain mechanisms by the algorithms. Therefore, the cognitive functions must be known. In this paper, the cognitive services (four from IBM and seven from Microsoft) are mapped into the cognitive processes within 14 mapping rules. Finally, the mapping model of the detailed outcomes of the cognitive services was constructed.


Scientific articles



How to Cite

Hotti, V., & Lauronen, H. (2017). Kognitiivisten palvelujen ja kognitiivisten prosessien kohdentaminen. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 9(2-3), 121–135. https://doi.org/10.23996/fjhw.61006