Finnish special competence for healthcare information technology to physicians and dentists: aims, contents and initial experiences


  • Jarmo Reponen University of Oulu


telelääketiede, lääketieteellinen informatiikka, koulutus, ammatillinen pätevyys


Finland was to our knowledge the first country in Europe to establish a professional special competence for healthcare information technology (eHealth) since 2012 to physicians and since 2015 to dentists. The special competence requires two year full time service and theoretical studies after a qualified medical specialist consultant status. Those who have earned the title are thus already experienced medical doctors and dentists. The new competence gives them an ability to utilize their knowledge about health care processes for the benefit of the new eHealth and mHealth services. By the end of year 2016 total 87 professionals have been enrolled to the program and 58 physicians and 3 dentists have already graduated. Those graduated have found positions as leading healthcare information technology experts or in administrative tasks in regional or national eHealth and mHealth projects. The special competence program is a joint effort of Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth, Finnish Medical Association and Finnish Dental Association.


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How to Cite

Reponen, J. (2017). Finnish special competence for healthcare information technology to physicians and dentists: aims, contents and initial experiences. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 9(1), 42–45.