SoTe-tieto ekosysteemissä: MORFEUS-näkymät asiakaslähtöisen yhteistyön ja palveluohjauksen työkaluina


  • Tarja Kantola Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Päivi Pöyry-Lassila Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu
  • Tarja Meristö Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu


information systems, a state portal website, social and health knowledge, ecosystem


Social and healthcare reform challenges the actors in the public, private and third sectors to develop their cooperation for the customer's best. The multi-actor network needs not only the overall picture of the services and of their roles in the ecosystem, but also the fluent information flow between the actors in it. The developed information systems must be interoperable, but also the customers’ service needs must be taken into accounts. In the MORFEUS project (2015–2017) we have developed and tested a view prototype utilizing the idea of a state portal website enabling to combine and use various information resources. In the prototype we have developed by now three different views for three different users: the customer, the social and health care professional (a service advisor/a case manager) as well as the decision-maker. The views help to support a so called VIP-customer, who needs a special assistance or especially much support in his/her situation and to perceive the entire service packet in hand. Based on the user testing, it can be said that the idea to the prototype works. It helps to combine information from different sources and to get an overall picture of the situation of the customer to herself/himself and to the professional. Still, more testing is needed with e.g. customer families using child protection services as well as taking care of the ideas of structural documenting and of visualizing the system for promoting the empowerment and motivation of a customer as well as minimizing a possible stigma.


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How to Cite

Kantola, T., Pöyry-Lassila, P., & Meristö, T. (2017). SoTe-tieto ekosysteemissä: MORFEUS-näkymät asiakaslähtöisen yhteistyön ja palveluohjauksen työkaluina. Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 9(2-3), 241–250.