Sosiaalialan ammattilaiset halukkaita osallistumaan asiakastietojärjestelmien kehittämiseen – osallistumistavoissa kehitettävää


  • Susanna Martikainen UEF
  • Susi Salovaara University of Lapland, Rovaniemi
  • Katri Ylönen University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä
  • Elina Tynkkynen University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä
  • Johanna Kaipio Aalto University, Espoo
  • Mari Tyllinen Aalto University, Espoo
  • Tinja Lääveri Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) and University of Helsinki, Helsinki


human centered design, information systems, social sciences [], social welfare [], social work, user-computer inferface


Information systems development should be based on a strong understanding of users and their needs, tasks and context of use. Moreover, the systems should be evaluated with users during the development process and after deployment. Although nationally a lot of resources are used on the development of IT systems, research into the topic is scarce from the perspective of social care.

Social care professionals’ experiences on the development of client information systems in Finland were collected as part of a nationwide survey on their user experiences in spring 2019. The questions focused on experiences of collaboration with the IT system vendor, participation in the development and the ways of participation. The results were analysed by each client information system brand.

Half of the respondents had not participated in the development, however only 19% were not willing to participate at all. The most preferred ways of participation were reporting problems to a person responsible for system development and presenting their own work to software developers. On the other hand, the most used way of IT system vendors, collecting feedback on webforms or via email, were not preferred by users. Most respondents knew how to report problems and development suggestions.

Social care professionals are interested in participating in development work; however, they are not satisfied with the possibilities and ways of participating in the development of the used IT system. There is a lack of appropriate practices for collaboration between system vendors and users. Our results were similar to studies conducted on physicians and nurses. It is possible that client organisations are not utilizing the enthusiasm for development among users. Developers should get exposure to the work in the field and organisations should hire professionals responsible for development of IT systems to act as interpreters between system vendors and users. For IT systems to support collaboration between health and social care successfully, it is required that also the perspective of social care professionals is considered.


Scientific articles



How to Cite

Martikainen, S., Salovaara, S., Ylönen, K., Tynkkynen, E., Kaipio, J., Tyllinen, M., & Lääveri, T. (2020). Sosiaalialan ammattilaiset halukkaita osallistumaan asiakastietojärjestelmien kehittämiseen – osallistumistavoissa kehitettävää . Finnish Journal of EHealth and EWelfare, 12(3), 270–285.