Lotsningsbolagets samt den enskilda lotsens skadeståndsansvar


  • Åsa Henriksson


lots, lotsningsbolag, skadestånd, skadeståndsansvar, principalansvar, redare


The purpose of this article is to examine the liability of the Finnish pilotage company as well as the liability of the individual pilot. These two are practically indivisible. Before 2011, the state had no liability for damages caused by the pilot. Due to recent changes in legislation, the liability of the pilotage company has been expanded. This expansion of liability is a highly topical issue. The pilotage company is a limited liability company that aims for financial profit. Consequently, it should also be responsible for the damages it causes. It is, however, uncertain whether this expansion is sufficient. The pilotage company is today only liable for damages that occur when certain specific conditions prevail, and only to a maximum amount of EUR 100.000 per occurrence. The article also contains a comparison between the regulations of the liability of pilots in the Nordic countries. The liability of the pilots is regulated quite differently in the Nordic countries, although this regulation is grounded on similar laws.





Henriksson, Åsa. (2011). Lotsningsbolagets samt den enskilda lotsens skadeståndsansvar. Helsinki Law Review, 5(2), 335–362. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/helsinkilawreview/article/view/74334