Verkkokaupan oikeus myydä asiakastietoja


  • Antti Antikainen


henkilötietolaki, luovutus, oikeus yksityisyyteen, verkkokauppa, tiedollinen itsemääräämisoikeus


The aim of this article is to clarify the requirements for transfer of personal data conducted by an e-commerce with an economic agenda. When processing and transferring personal data multiple principal rights should be taken into consideration such as right to privacy and right to autonomy. Data processing is usually based on a customer relationship which, however, does not serve as grounds for the transfer of personal data. A clear and precise consent is required in order to commercially transfer personal data. The current legislation fails to safeguard the principal rights, mostly due to the lack of legal remedies for enforcing the given rights. In addition, the current legal reality fails to fulfill the needs of an expanding digital economy. Thus, clear and up-to-date legislation regarding the transfer of personal data is obviously needed.





Antikainen, A. (2012). Verkkokaupan oikeus myydä asiakastietoja. Helsinki Law Review, 6(2), 187–221. Noudettu osoitteesta