The Annual Cycle of the Settlements of the Circumpolar Peoples


  • Jari Mäki


The purpose of the article is to describe the seasonality and means of livelihood of the native peoples of the circumpolar area in historic times. The research material consists of historical sources, and the study covers the period from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

The seasonal variations of climate, and flora and the fauna, were reflected in the living conditions and the choices of dwelling places of northern communities engaged in the hunting and reindeer husbandry. Societies living by hunting, fishing and gathering, or by herding reindeer, changed their dwelling places after the seasonal cycles of natural resources.

The author has divided the circumpolar area into four main zones: 1. The Interior Boreal Forest, 2. The Interior Boreal Forest - Tundra, 3. The Sea Coast, 4. The Sea Coast - Interior. The basis of the classification are the natural conditions and the natural resources which guide the annual cycles of the groups of people. The classification works as a basis for studying the annual cycle of the peoples of the circumpolar area.


