Parameters of ecosystem and interaction of man and nature in sand deserts during different prehistorical periods


  • T.S. Lukovskaya
  • I.V. Ivanov


The ecology and demography of ancient societies have created much current interest in natural-scientific and historical-archaeological investigations. The problem of palaeoclimatic changes, based on data from soil science (LV. Ivanov, V.A. Demkin, A.L. Alexandrovsky) and palynology (N.S. Bolikhovskaya, K.K. Kremenetsky, Ye.A. Spiridonova) in the steppe zone during different archaeological periods is still only partially understood.

At the same time, progress achieved in studying modern ecosystems and establishing certain correlations between their components make it possible to reconstruct the basic parameters of the past, namely the phytoproduction of the ground, phytomass used and the number of wild mammals.


